2019 Berlin Writing Prize-Giving & Anthology Launch Party


Date: Friday, January 31st

Time: Doors at 7:30, readings from 8

Location: Lettretage (Mehringdamm 61)

Entry: €3 or free if you buy an anthology

Books will be for sale from KLAK Verlag


🎉 Join us on 31st January 2020 for the 2019 Berlin Writing Prize-Giving & Anthology Launch Party! 🎉

Come along to Lettrétage to celebrate our winners, toast our judges and sponsors, enjoy readings, drinks, and all the good old literary chat!

While the full programme is yet TBA, we invite you to save the date and look forward to a post-holiday banger in honour of the launch of the 2019 Berlin Writing Prize Anthology, THE CIRCUS, published by KLAK Verlag!

* €3 Entry / €10 Entry + Anthology *

There will be readings from our winning authors, including first-prize winner, S.K. Perry, who will be on her one-month residency at The Circus Hotel. More details on the line up coming soon! You can RSVP on Facebook to stay tuned with updates about the event.

The 2019 Berlin Writing Prize Anthology will also be making its debut, hot off the press from KLAK Verlag. Featuring winners SK Perry, Anbara Salam and Victoria Manifold, the anthology also showcases a glittering shortlist. Pick up your copy for stories/essays by Chloe Gocool, Hannah Harper, Angela Hughes, Avrina Prabala-Joslin, Eliza Robertson, Nicholas Ruddock and Sarah Van Bonn.

All of us at the Reader – and our wonderful judges (those than can make it!), May-Lan Tan, Katrin Schönig, Sophie Mackintosh, Elnathan John, Martin Jankowski and Victoria Gosling – look forward seeing you!

Special thanks go out to our sponsors and partners for making the 2019 Berlin Writing Prize possible:

The Circus, British Council Germany, BuchHafen Berlin, KLAK Verlag, Einstein Unter den Linden, Tom Moore, R.S.V.P. Papier in Mitte, SAND Journal and Lettrétage!