Advanced Fiction with Ben Fergusson

Led by award-winning novelist Ben Fergusson, this exclusive weekend seminar is designed
for writers who are ready to take their fiction to the next level. Covering both long- and short-
fiction, this session will focus on discussions, practical exercises and prompts to help you
hone your sentences, develop character and iron out the bumps in your writing.

The seminar will cover tricky skills from using research, building character, maintaining
tension and pulling off endings, as well as different approaches to ruthlessly editing your

All writers are welcome. You’ll get the most out of this seminar, though, if you’ve already
attended at least one creative writing workshop or course or have already attempted some
fiction, whether in novel or short-story form.

To sign up, please email The workshop will run on both Saturday and Sunday from 10:30am to 4:30pm.

Ben Fergusson is an award-winning novelist. His debut novel, The Spring of Kasper Meier
(2014), won both the Betty Trask Prize 2015 and HWA Debut Crown 2015. His second
novel, The Other Hoffmann Sister was published in 2017. He currently teaches at the
University of Potsdam.